This came in the last batch of music I've ordered. I thought I was buying an AOS3 single, but this is two remixes of AOS3 songs by Zion Train and Knights Of The Occasional Table (I like the later better). I guess that this won't be downloaded much as this is not where people into electronic music stop by to check out what's new (old). But if you are into it you could like this. Or if you are completist or AOS3 fan like me.
Released: 1996
Label: Inna State Records
Size: 35 MB
01. Something Must Be Done (Zion Train Remix)
02. Norton The 1st (Knights Of The Occasional Table Remix)
Despair-Visions of the Inferno LP
6 years ago
zakon post! ako si uzeo 12" od janshe, onda sam ti zapravo ja narucio 12" mailorderom iz UK...hehe;).
u slucaju da nemas, imam jos AOS3 "Apparently we had a great time" (live), AOS3 "Owsley", AOS3 "What does it all means" (demo), Conspiracy 7"+ ona 2 official albuma koji su izasli +RDF demos + RDF & Millitary Surplus live snimke iz kraja 80ih, Headjam live & demos itd. ako nest zelis, vristi;)
Da, to je ono preko Janše. Fala ti jer se nakon dosta priča o liku iz Words Of Warning-a ne usudim slati lovu za ploče njemu. Kaj se tiče ostalog od AOS-a imam ona 2 albuma i Tottenham Three 7" od originala. Sve ostalo ako je dobre kvalitete slobodno proslijediti Janši;) Brijem da bi i on bio jako sretan. Tenks. Ak imaš neku želju za post pitaj i ak imam - ju gat it.
s W.O.W mailorderom sam se opekao. i to za cca 1500kn..
cudna spika jer sam par tjedana prije narucio od njih AOS3 "G.S.A" CD (imam i LP) i stigao mi je u roku od tjedan dana. cudna spika...
zanji put sam jansi na dvd snimio sve te stvari, mislim. pitaj ga pa neka ti proslijedi. ili se javi na moj mail pa ti uploadam i saljem linkove (badanjak at moonleerecords dot com).
request? hmmm, cudi me sto Disaffect jos nema post na ovom blogu pa evo ideje;).
evo ih jos par...
Guts pie earshot "flowerhouse" 10" & Juggling Jugulars "can you explain" 7". uzivaj!
Što se tiče AOS-a budem uzeo od Janše. Ionako imamo neki dogovor da se skoro vidimo. Disaffect nisam stavljao jer je vrlo lako doguglati do diskografije na "Nečistoj Savjesti", pa ne moram ripati sa ploča. Ionako sam često prelijen za to. Ove Guts i Juggling na žalost nemam, ali ću zato odmah slijedeće staviti Crunch/The Sickoids split 7" (ne znam je li to tvoja želja, ali ako je super). Pozdrav.
I like this enough to ask 2Where did you get this?" - I want to buy a copy. mee likee
i like too aos3 so i got to listen to this!!!
thanks alot
Got this through friends friend as I was not feeling like sending money to Karl from WOW because a lot of people never got their shit. Don't know how he got it, but I've found this still available on Southern records together with Diversionary Tactics that I got in this batch on CD too. Here's the link:
I ordered from Southern Records and today only them have this. they said in late spring that they have few 12" left so be quick on mailorder;).
and yes, Words Of Warning is rip off. sad but true. I never get my package xexe.
This is a great record! Thanks for ripping it and saving me some time :D
ej, ljudi, vidim da sam malo zakasnio trazim "Gods Secret Agent" album i ne ide mi nikako, na "necistoj savjesti" ne radi link za drugi part, pa ako neko zna za neki drugi link, ili ima i voljan je da aploduje, bio bih mu zahvalan do groba..
aj fala unaprijed! (:
Admir, probaj sutra na Nečistoj. Upravo sam nazvao Janšu (to je njegov blog) i ponovo će uploadat drugi dio. Pozdrav.
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